Adding a Domain to Sitelutions
Posted by Nathan G on 11 July 2018 03:53 PM

Adding a Domain to Sitelutions

Please follow these directions and/or watch the video for information on adding a domain to Sitleutions. Video Link:

Please note that adding a domain will NOT register a new domain name and will NOT perform a registration transfer to our Sitelutions Registrar. This will allow you to use Sitelutions for DNS, redirection, web hosting, and more with your domain name that is registered with another registrar or registration provider.  Note that in order for you domain name to work properly with Sitelutions, it must actually be registered with another provider or with Sitelutions. If the domain is not registered with another provider, you must first register the domain name.

  1. In order to use your domain with Sitelutions, you must first login to your current registrar and change your current nameservers to the Sitelutions nameservers.

  2. Go to the “Add Domain” page at the Account Control center and fill out the form to add a domain that is already registered at another registrar

  3. From the URL & DNS Control Center, you can configure custom DNS records, add/delete host domains, and use DNS wizards to make managing your domain easy

If you wish to learn how to configure custom DNS records, read the knowledge base article on it here .

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