I Transferred my Domain to Sitelutions, But It Is Still Pointing To My Old Host!
Posted by Niel B on 16 December 2015 11:36 AM

Changing Nameservers of a Transferred Domain

You can confirm that your domain has been transferred to Sitelutions by accessing your Domain Control Center. If "Sitelutions" is listed as the registrar, your domain name has successfully been transferred to Sitelutions.

If your domain is still pointing to your old hosting company, or is not working, it may be because your domain name is still set to your former provider's nameservers.

The options to change this are located in the Domain Control Center. Click the boxes next to the domains you wish to change and click "Modify Nameservers"

Next, choose the "Use Sitelutions" option and save your settings. The change may take around 24-48 hours and once complete, the domains will then use Sitelutions DNS.  This will enable you to use your domain with Sitelutions Hosting, DNS, or Dynamic DNS. 

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