How to Change Nameservers
Posted by Trey T on 29 January 2013 05:27 PM

If you'd like to change the nameservers of a domain registered by Sitelutions, please follow these steps:

  • Log in to your Sitelutions account
  • Click on "Domain Control" near the middle of the page of the Account Control Center
  • Check the box next to the domain in question
  • Click on "Edit Nameservers" at the bottom of the page

On the page to which you are taken, you will be able to add, remove, or change the nameservers that are used by the domain. To change the nameservers to our own, simply select the radio button next to "use Sitelutions" and click "Save Changes".

If the domain's registrar is not Sitelutions, you will need to make this nameserver change with the current registrar.

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