My Registrar Reports Problems with my SOA record.
Posted by Trey T on 03 January 2013 10:07 PM

Many registrars and registries, such as deNIC of Germany and seNic / nic-se of Sweden as well as others often have very strict rules with regard to the Start of Authority, or SOA records tied to domain names.

These registrars/registries will often complain about ttl, serial, refresh, and other values associated with the SOA record.

Sitelutions now offers each user the ability to modify all information that is part of the start of authority, including the owner's mailbox as stored in the SOA record.

Simply navigate to the domain control center, select all domains that you want to modify (check the box next to these domains), and click "Modify SOA Record(s)".

Simply make your modifications, save your changes, and viola. 

PLEASE MAKE SOA MODIFICATIONS AT YOUR OWN RISK!  If you do not know what you are doing, you could cause damage to your domain name's ability resolve.  Please be careful.

Sitelutions Support

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