Purchasing an add-on domain
Posted by Trey T on 03 January 2013 10:07 PM

To purchase the add-on domain, just login to your main Sitelutions account at, then navigate to the Sitelutions Space Control Center and click the "Go!" link next to "Purchase Upgrades and Add-Ons." 

You will see several add-on options listed, and one of them should be something like "1 Add-On Domain and 1 Subdomain."  The cost for this should be $1.50/month, multiplied by the number of months remaining on your package.


After you purchase this, click the "[configure]" link next to "Add-On Domains" in the Sitelutions Space Control Center for the appropriate account.  You can then add the desired domain to your hosting account.


With our new InfiniSite and InfiniPro packages, however, unlimited add-on domains are included in the package. Simply head to your Sitelutions Space Control Center and click "manage" next to add-on domains.

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