I uploaded my files and do not see them.
Posted by Trey T on 03 January 2013 10:07 PM

Did you upload your files to the public_html or "www" folder?  Files should be placed in "public_html" or "www" -- "www" is just an alias for "public_html."


You should replace our default index.html file with your own home page.  Then use shift-refresh and/or close and re-open your browser to refresh.


If you still do not see your site it may be because your domain has not completed registration or DNS information has not yet updated if you have made recent changes.  You may want to wait 24-48 hours or search the knowledgebase for "DNS updates."


If this 24-48 hour period has not passed yet, for further information on accessing your Sitelutions hosting account via the web without using your domain name, login to your main Sitelutions account, go to the Sitelutions Space Control Center, and click "Account Help & Info."  This will provide you with the URL necessary to access your site without your domain name.  Alternatively, if you know your Sitelutions Space username (the one that you chose when configuring the account), you may access http://servername.sitelutions.com/~username/ .  You must also know the name of the server on which you are located, and replace "servername" with the name of that server.  The name of the server upon which your account is located is specified in the Sitelutions Space Control Center.

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