DNS Setup for Hosting
Posted by Trey T on 03 January 2013 10:07 PM

I just signed up for a Sitelutions Space hosting account, but I am unsure of how to set up DNS for my domain names. I want to host multiple domains under my account but don't feel like going through DNS configuration for each.


When you configure your account, you set up the primary domain. The system *automatically* configures DNS for that domain! No further steps.

In order to host additional sites with the some of our plans, you need to purchase add-on domains for an additional small monthly fee per domain. Other plans may include add-on domains. You can do this using the [Upgrade] link in the Sitelutions Space Control Center.

Once you do this, you can click "Configure" next the "Add-on Domains" text and the system will again configure DNS for you automatically for these domains. It's very simple!

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