Knowledgebase: Sales & Billing
Payment Methods - Do you accept PayPal, Checks, Money Orders?
Posted by Trey T on 03 January 2013 10:07 PM

At the present time, we ONLY accept credit cards directly.


We will make an exception, but only on domain orders larger than $1,000 or hosting orders larger than $750. 


Other than this, we do not accept ANYTHING other than Visa, Mastercard, and American Express as of August, 2003.  We will post updates here if something changes.


Also, we cannot accept partial payments for hosting.  If you want to purchase an annual plan, you need to pay for that entire plan at once.  Since billing is automated, we cannot allow you to split it up or pay for a portion of it later.  If you cannot afford an annual package, we suggest a monthly, quarterly, or bi-annual package.


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